Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Original Art Sundays (Wednesday) no. 373: new Surrealist Cowgirls cover!

 In preparing a fresh edition of Surrealist Cowgirls for print for Autoptic, I found a preliminary for a different cover. I forgot I did this one, and I love it!


Nice. Just clean simple line art. I decided to use this one as a B  & W cover. It's very striking!

There will be four different Cowgirls covers available at Autoptic. I've posted the original and the Kevyn Lenagh version here before. This is the third. The fourth will be a sketch cover option. You can draw your own, or put me to work! While the Cowgirls have been in print before, this is a different compilation and the first time the work is available to the general public.

Autoptic is very close and I'm very excited. Looking forward to seeing you there!