Well, here we go.
Not much to say first time out- I'm eager for my paper presentation at ComicCon in San Diego this summer, and hopeful that summer work will continue apace. Oh, the life of an adjunct! Must needs grade papers and work on summer syllabi, have office hours and lunch with a former student tomorrow.
I also have a mad scheme to post new comics work as it's created, and get my creative juices flowing again.
So delighted to have Greg Ruth as a guest in my Graphic Novel class online this week! Reading his Sudden Gravity on the flight home from San Diego last summer was a revelation.
Something I'm fond of bragging about: I was the model Gene Ha! used to illustrate the character Irma Geddon in Alan Moore's Top 10. Gene was kind enough to give me a drawing of me & Irma together!
Kind of went link crazy this time out, folks. Don't worry, I'll calm down a tad.
Expect posts on music from time to time, and commentary on matters of crucial import.